English | Spanish | Pronounced |
Good afternoon. | Buenas tardes. | bweh-nahs tahr-dess |
Good bye/Bye | Adiós | ah-dee-OHS |
Good evening. | Buenas noches. | bweh-nahs noh-chess |
Good morning/day. | Buenas dias. | bweh-nahs dee-ass |
Hi/Hello | Hola | OH-lah |
How are you? – formal | Cómo está (usted)? | KOH-moh ess-tAH (oo-stead [optional])? |
How are you? – informal | Cómo estás? | KOH-moh ess-tAHs |
How do you say… | Cómo se dice… | kOH-moh say dee-say |
Nice to meet you. | Mucho gusto (en conocerle [optional]) | moo-choh goos-toh (ehn koh-noh-ser-leh) |
Thank you | Gracias | grah-see-ass |
Basic Spanish Expressions
About Spanish2Go
Spanish2Go is an online Spanish language resource for helping visitors learn Spanish in Mexico. We connect people with Spanish instructors in popular travel destinations on the coasts or central Mexico.